Monday, March 15, 2010


Many of our family and friends have asked us if we registered for gifts anywhere. We buried the answer in an earlier post and of course no one noticed. Here's the deal. We appreciate your desire to give us something, but we also don't expect presents nor need anything.  We're lucky that we're living in a house full of stuff.

But if you wish to, we did set up a wedding registry at We also like contributions to the Wissahickon Restoration Volunteers, a nonprofit that works on the trails nearby where we run on every week.

We're having the wedding in order to celebrate our marriage with family and friends. So, your presence at the reception and/or your well wishes mean more to us than any other gift.  We're excited about seeing you on May 8th.

1 comment:

  1. Great initiative for the volunteers. My wedding ceremony is in a few weeks at the venue NYC and given the large number of relatives I have, I too will be receiving many gifts I may not need. I liked your idea of having the guests make contributions to non-profit instead, I’ll do the same for my wedding.
